Alright, there is a lot to catch up on so I will just write randomly until everything is covered. Excuse the hodge-podge of words.
Grooms Dinner/ Bachelorette Party..
Where to begin. Both were a crazy fun night. I would assume that Shauna had a blast at both because I sure did and I think everyone else I was with had fun too. Grooms dinner started at Buca and then we went over to Wild Bill's after. It was a rough morning.. I swear everyone lost something that night, and of course I lost my camera. again. for the millionth time. Atleast Kal, my memory for the night, found my camera in her car! So, we are blessed with some crazy pictures from that night. Maybe ones we dont want to remember but Shauna can be the judge of that! The bachelorette party was also very fun! We played some good games. Not the cheesey games I am used to playing at wedding showers! I am glad so many girls could get together to make the night unforgetable! Shauna was sad that the two big parties were over with and she was saying how everything fun is over now... I had to give her a little reminder of what was coming up. We still have Mexico, the wedding day, and the reception. I told her it was just the beginning. That kind of scares me thinking back to how these last two Saturdays have turned out! However, I couldnt be more excited. 8 days til we leave!

Quantico, VA

I love when I get to spend time with Robbie! DeAnn (Robbie's mom) and I went out to VA last Tuesday til Thursday. It was a short trip, but it was awesome. On Tuesday we arrived around 6:30 and went out to dinner to a pub in DC. I liked everyone's food but my own, I tried a shepards pie...which was ummm very bland. I did like Robbie's guiness burger and DeAnn's fish and chips. I would def. go there again. We drove 40 mins back to the hotel. Robbie and I decided to go to a bar that was right next to the hotel and grab a few beers and have some alone time. I love him! We talked all night and it was so great to be with him again! Wednesday we had to be up early I think like 6... and we were on base around 745 to start the activities planned for the day. The "activities" were cool at the beginning and then we realized there was nothing else planned. Since it was raining we didnt get to shoot all the big guns, but we did get to hold them and learn about them! After we spent about an hour and a half doing that we went to Robbie's room and hung out in there for like 3 hours since he wasnt allowed to leave yet. What a cold 3 hours it was. His room was freezing and we were wet from all the rain! Gross feeling. We finally left base and did some shopping at the exchange store. I didnt buy too much which I was proud of myself for. They have a lot of brand name stuff for really cheap. I some how didnt buy anything Coach which I was planning on doing. Maybe my little concious was reminding me of how poor I am right now! We went out to dinner and back to the bar from the night before! Oh and I got to eat fried pickles! Soooo yummy and a nice treat since I only get them once a year at the state fair usually... ohhh sad, I wont be able to go the state fair anymore :/ I realize little things like this all the time. Anyways, Thursday was supposed to be the graduation ceremony day.. There was a "big" snow storm that came through and everything got postponed, and graduation was cancelled. I swear if there is snow anywhere than the midwest the towns shut everything down. They need to lean how to toughen up. We thought it was funny. Also, there was maybe one plow for the entire city! Me and DeAnn did some shopping while Robbie was on base transferring into a new room which he will be in until the end of February. Then he is off to North Carolina. (Wow I can not stay on topic). So, Robbie called us when we were shopping and he said they decided to have a ceremony but only spouses were invited. Scary thing is, I am close enough to a spouse to be allowed in. They ended up letting family in too so DeAnn got to see the ceremony also. It went fast and was on topic. I am glad it was so quick because we all know graduation ceremonies are not the most fun thing to attend. After graduation we did more shopping, more eating, more talking and then sadly, we had to leave. It was a short trip, but sooooo nice to be with Robbie. I cant wait to see him again.. We dont have anything planned yet. We have to wait to decide on a time until he goes to North Carolina and gets his schedule. I am very excited to visit somewhere new though!

Unfortunatly, I have been feeling like crap lately. Marisa is home from school today. I think we have some sort of bug going around our house. Lexi is cuddled up next to me in bed and I dont think either one of us plan on moving with in the next few hours. What a wonderfully relaxing day (besides being sick). I love my cuddle days with my little baby Lex. Speakiing of Lexi, my mom is seriously thinking about letting me and Robbie take her with to Cali. I will update when I know more. Still in the discussion process. I just hope this "bug" gets out of our systems before we go to Mexico. I do not feel like sounding like a man, and feeling like my head is going to blow up for more than a week. Good health please come our way!
Thanks to my good friend Katie Anderson I have become an expert list maker! Most productive thing I have ever learned. I love making lists. I almost make a list once a day. Right now I have like 8 lists in process just waiting to get scratched off or getting the little uneven box I draw next to the item checked off. They keep my organized. I wouldnt have gotten everything done in college if it wasnt for my handy dandy lists. I recommend them to everyone. My lists consist of wedding stuff, things I need to do today, things I need to do this week, things I need to do before I die, things I want to make sometime soon, things I need to buy...etc etc. I dont know why I am talking about lists, its just what came to mind.
Nothing too spectacular on the agenda this week. Just trying to get better and a lot of working. I picked up some shifts this weekend so I am doubling on Friday and Saturday. I need the extra cast especially since Mexico is right around the corner. Wednesday I am getting my hair done by Jenna, much overdue. Thursday I am making dinner for my Grandma and haning out with her. Thats about it. Oooohhh almost forgot! My wedding dress came in last night! I need to make an appt. to go try it on and figure out alterations!!!! So happy!