Friday, September 30, 2011

30 day challenge- day 1

Robbie is back home, and I am happy :)  I am also starting this blog challenge:

So here is day 1:

Have a happy weekend!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Gone and gone

I am half way through the week of Robbie being gone. He will be back on Wednesday afternoon! I cant wait. I miss him lots. It is weird how quite the house is without him. Not sure I like it. I just dont feel myself, something is definatly missing. Strange, I know, coming from people who have been in a long distance relationship since forever. It's just different this time. I haven't been doing much since he has been gone. I went out with my friend Erika, went over to Eric and Heather's, and worked. Besides that I have gone to the gym, went shopping, and lounged around the house. I surprisingly was brave enough to go into the "basement" and do my laundry. I even killed a spider! Both things I would never do if Robbie wasn't home. Ohhh, and I've been on pinterest all day everyday. I highly suggest it. Shows great fashion, recipes, quotes, etc.. all the things that girls love. Here are somethings that I pin on my boards.








Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This was us last Sunday...

We were at Qualcom Stadium in San Diego watching the opening game Vikings vs. Chargers. It was awesome. For Robbie's birthday I told him we could go to this game! So, Happy Birthday again!

This was us today...

Same idea, different location. (More comfortable might I add!) It is weird because the usual 12pm games start at 10 here! We had a wonderful day of football!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shauna, Andrew, Santa Barbara

Hello. A few weeks have passed since Shauna and Andrew were here for a visit, but I will recap anyways. They got in Wednesday night. We went to dinner in Pacific Beach, I dont remember the name of the restuarant, but it was really cool. It was on a high deck that over looked the ocean. We went back to the house and had an early night. Thursday, we (minus Rob) went to Torrey Pines State Park in Del Mar. It was awesome. Andrew can always find some good hiking trails! We walked/ jogged/ explored the trails for about 4 hours and it finally lead us out to a secluded beach which had seals and rocks everywhere! It was so pretty, Robbie and I are definatly going to take a trip back there soon. That night we went to Pizza Port for dinner in Carlsbad village. It was super fun. The pizza wasnt amazing by any means, but the beer was great. They brew 40 different kinds of beer and give them crazy names! Friday we decided to make the trip 3.5 hours north to Santa Barbara to visit an old friend Milo, and his girlfriend Veronica. It was really fun! Santa Barbara was amazingly beautiful it looked so tropical and lush. Even the water was more blue there! We went out Friday night, but came in early since we were pretty tired from the day and the drive up there. Saturday, we went to the beach and the guys tried their best at surfing. It didnt go so well since Robbie and Andrew didnt have wet suits and it was only like 60 degrees with a strong wind! It was freezing! Shauna and I stayed under towels and in pants and zip ups most of the day. I had a very tramatizing experience at the beach and I wish that we could have caught it on camera because it was bad! I was eating a sandwich and out of no where something hits my head, it doesnt take long for me to figure out that it is a seagulls wing hitting my head as it is stealing the sandwich out of my hands. Everything happened so fast, I realized what it was, I threw my sandwich, and everyone was laughing. The worst part about it, Robbie said he saw the seagull staring at me for a long time before it made its attack. Thanks for the warning! Anyways, I was laughing and crying at the same time. I was laughing because really, it was funny, and crying I dont know why? Maybe because it was tramatizing, maybe because I was laughing so hard. We will never know. Later that day we went back to Milo and Veronica's ate an amazing dinner they cooked for us, and went out to the bars. Sunday was a relaxing day by the pool. (At a home that Milo's sister is housesitting. It was a huge house in Monticeto, only a few houses away from Oprah's. And yes, I saw Operah's gate to her home, cool I know). We got home late Sunday night and went right to bed. Shauna and Andrew left Monday morning after we grabbed some bagels and ate breakfast on the beach. It was a great weekend. I wish I would have taken more pics. This is all I have.

This weekend we dont have much planned, we will just go with the flow.

I started a pintrest account it is an amazing website. It is basically a collection of things that people think are cool, want, or dream about. Go to and see for yourself. 

Fossil Women's Maddox Novelty Flat Shoe
Ohhh, and I need these shoes. I love them!

Happy Weekend!

Friday, September 9, 2011


So, you guys may have heard about this blackout SoCal experienced yesterday. It started at 3:40. I was at work (at school) and all power went out. This is quite exciting to 4th graders. They couldnt get enough of it and had millions of questions. I asked my co-workers if this was a first time occurance and apparently it was. This was shocking to me, with the MN storms we get power outages happened on a regualr basis. The only difference between a storm blackout and this blackout was that it lasted for about 12 hours. The power went out from Yuma, AZ to the coast of CA starting about 35 miles north of Carlsbad and going a little farther south than Tijuana, Mexico.

The power being out wasnt the scary part, I knew it would come back eventually... The scary part was all the traffic and the accidents that were happening. Street lights werent working, not even blinking red. People were not following the 4 way stop rule when the lights went out. The freeways were jammed and it took people hours to get home. Since the outage happend at 3:40 all companies were shut down and people were allowed to leave for the day. Robbie left base right away and it took him over 2 hours to get home. The traffic coming from San Diego going north was terrible!!! Lucky for me, we couldnt ditch all the students and start our dreaded commute home. We started making phone calls right away for parents to come get their kids. This was a very long process. The last family was picked up at 7:25. Talk about a long day for little 1st graders! Most parents took so long to get there because of all the traffic. As the parents were coming in to get their kids there were crazy rumors going around. Some were true some were not. True: Stores had to be closed because people were stealing everything. True: Most convience store ran out of water, candles, and flash lights. True: Target jacked the price of candles up to $25 per tealight candle (yes the teeny tiny candle). False: The outage was caused by a terroist attack. True: Gas stations closed. True: Most cell phones did not work.

Anyways, just thought I would share a little about this madness. It was crazy to see how freaked out people were, they really thought the world was going to end I swear.

On the plus side- I left work at 7:30 missing all the traffic going south. It took me the regualr 20 mins to get home. I think it is faster when the lights are broken! We had a neighborhood BBQ which was lit by candles and everyone brought over hodge podges of food. We met some new neighbors (who knows if I will remember what they look like since we were all in the dark) we had some great conversations, and we had an excuse to go home early and go to bed! I was sleeping by 10! The best part of all, Robbie and I dont have to work today! So, we have the best of both worlds- power is back and we get a long weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Oh and check out these pics-

Wednesday, September 7, 2011