Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lots of fun things going on lately. Shauna's wedding is creeping around the corner so I have been doing lots of activities for that. We had her family wedding shower that went very well. I loved all of her gifts I cant wail until I get to go out and register for my gifts! Then we also had the grooms dinner at Buca. To say the least it was a crazy night, but tons of fun. I cant even imagine what Mexico is going to be like! I am very excited only 2 weeks away! (Pics of shower and grooms dinner coming soon).

I am writing in a rush today. I am going to see Robbie in just a few hours. DeAnn is picking me up from the airport in 3 hours and I still havent packed. Typical me. I am so excited to see him. The weather there is supposed to be in the upper 30's which should feel like a heat wave compared to here since we have been in negative degrees this past week. I dont exactly know what we are going to do while we are in VA, but I know the Marine Corps has a lot planned for us tomorrow. (I will also post pics of this when I get home).

Lastly, we got our engagement pictures back from Bellagala. I definatly dont recommend drinking the night before you get your pictures taken..(only because she had cancelled on us twice before this date). The good pictures are very good, but the bad ones are really bad!!! Here are a few. We also took our own pictures (the ones posted on facebook).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love these pics! (I won't ask you to show bad ones hahaha) Actually we don't really have the concept of 'engagement' that much in Korea. So it's kind of strange to see your 'engagement' pics... :) But they are all nice. Ooooh I envy youuuu cuz you look so happy and lovely!
