Friday, August 3, 2012

A message from Robbie

I figured that since Briana will be writing all of you, I will give you updates from Afghanistan as well.  I am staying safe in this giant sandbox, and actually find it almost enjoyable when I get to go work with my Afghan counter parts.  It is cool to see them take the advice I have for them, and improve the system that they have in place.  It is rare that that happens, but it is awesome when it does.  Other than that... it is HOT here, lots of sand, and no water.  Man I miss the beach!!! Now take how much I miss the beach multiply that by about 100,000 and you have how much I miss my little fur baby known as Reef.  Multiply that by almost infinity, and you have how much I miss my beautiful wife!  For those that follow this, and don't know what a deployment is like...It sucks!  haha.  Well, I know there are some people out here that enjoy their time, but most of them are single and rolling in the money they are making!  Anyways, the extra money is nice, and our is going to our honeymoon:)  Just in case you didn't understand how much I miss my wife before, finding the patience to wait for that week knowing that I get to spend 7 nights on a tropical island with the girl of my dreams just might kill me.  And I thought Briana didn't have any patience.  Anyways, enjoy your day, and say a prayer for the families that have someone over seas.  I know those of us who are deployed get thought about all of the time, but we wouldn't survive here without the support from our loved ones at home.

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